Old and New...

First the Old ...  I have, at long last, got back to the Official Septimus Heap blog which the lovely Shauki set up many years back. It got a little neglected over the past two or three years - Shauki is now busy translating amazing YA books and I am just ... busy. So over the last few days I finally taught myself how to find my way through wordpress, and the blog site is now current once more.  Over the years there have been thousands of questions posted there about Septimus and Araminta too, it is wonderful to go back and see them all! 

And talking of questions, I know some of you do book reports on Septimus Heap - which is wonderful - and you often email questions to me on my contact page from a school address. But what I've discovered is that many schools block replies. So I get a lot of book report answers bounced back, which is really sad.

If your school does not allow replies you can now post on the blog. It's a little different as it is a public space and you can see the reply on the site. https://septimusheapblog.com/new-ask-angie/


And now the New ... to be published February 26th 2019: https://www.amazon.com/Rise-Dragons-Angie-Sage/dp/0545864968/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

I'm really excited to see this at last! Some time ago when I was finishing writing StarChaser, Scholastic USA asked me to write a dragonny thing where our world interacts with a hidden dragon world. It was a very exciting idea and I just couldn't resist. After all, we all know there are dragons around and this answered a lot of my dragon questions. It will also come with a game too, which is sounding amazing. I have written the first book in the series and other writers will continue. 

And later next year, in the summer of 2019, my lovely Maximillian Fly will be published. Go Max!