“I love your books!! I started reading them when I was in 4th or 5th grade. I’m in high school now. I have reread them so many times!! When I was going through rough times and I was unable to accept myself I connected with Marcia. I loved her character from the beginning … and it made it easier to accept who I am. To this day I love Marcia.”
These are the covers in the USA. These are where you will find the fantastic illustrations by Mark Zug who also did the covers. Mark really gets Septimus.
The Septimus Heap world has been with me for a very long time. It was something I wanted to write but never quite knew how to begin—until one day I had a really powerful image of a baby abandoned in the snow and I knew that was it. And so the wonderfully strange and yet oddly familiar world of the Castle and all its inhabitants began to unfurl before me—and, in time, about four million other people too.
The first book of the series, MAGYK, went to number one in the Children’s Hardback section of the New York Times bestseller list and was translated into 33 languages. Here are some of my favourite covers from foreign editions:
So what’s it all about, then?
It is the most difficult thing for a writer to describe their own books, all I can say about Septimus Heap is that it is full of adventure and humanity, that although it is labelled fantasy it really is about people like you and me in a slightly different world – set in the distant future - with a touch of Magyk. If you’ve not read it, jump in and see what you think. The series develops and grows with each book and forget the age bandings that bookshops throw at you, I write for all ages.
“I’m 38 and I love the Septimus series!”
These are the covers in the UK.
And here is The Darke Toad, an e-book novella about Septimus and Marcia's visit to the port at Halloween, it takes place between Magyk and Flyte.
You can find the Septimus Heap series in the UK at Amazon.co.uk and in the USA at Amazon.com.
Some messages from Septimus fans - just so you know you are not alone!
Simon: I currently have the honour of also calling myself a writer for a living, working for a game studio here in Stockholm, writing on the game "Book of Travels." Somewhere I don't know if I would be if not for your work as inspiration. (I even added a pair of extravagant purple python shoes into the game in Marcia's honour.)
Vanda: I was madly in love with Septimus Heap when I first learned how to read, and I am falling in love with him all over again now that I’m in college … I think Septimus himself is absolutely fantastic, I most especially loved the military background, and the strong, unshakable yet nuanced characteristics this provided ... Thank you for making my childhood (and also young adulthood) so much cooler.
Ashley: I have adored Septimus Heap for quite some time. I read the books for the first time probably over a decade ago and I revisit them every few years. I must say, listening to them is quite the experience. I listen to them on my hour-long bus ride to school, in my car, in the shower, and a little at night before bed. I never fully appreciated before how you give a voice to all sorts of creatures, and I absolutely adore that aspect of your writing. I love the insight into Maxie's mind, the little red millipede's, the marsh python's...
Marcia is still my favourite character. She just has such authority and such presence. I really admire that. If I could be any character from the series, it would be her.
Listening to the audiobooks increases my desire for a movie or TV series based on the books (or, hopefully, one that follows the books to a tee). I find that, as I listen, I can very clearly picture the characters in my head. The series would lend itself well to a TV or film adaptation, I think. Maybe one day!
Brianna: I really wanted to tell you that I appreciate you and your Septimus Heap series to the bottom of my heart. I first picked up Magyk when I was 12 or 13 and instantly fell in love with it. I've reread the series every year throughout high school and every time felt like the first: absolutely magykal!!! Even in college, I think about the series and really want to read it again. I love absolutely everything about the series, so to keep the email shorter, I won't list everything here.
Honestly, it truly is the best series I've ever read and I doubt I'll ever forget it. So, thank you for creating the best series ever. I hope it doesn't sound weird, but you were such a huge person in my childhood. Just writing the email to you is making my eyes tear up. I can not say thank you enough. Septimus Heap was such a large part of my childhood so I am grateful for you. Thank you for everything!
Quinn: Hi! Septimus Heap changed my life :) Now I'm seventeen, applying for college, stressing about life, I've retreated back into a good coping mechanism: That of reading books. And I stumbled back upon Septimus Heap. I've spent the last week just re-reading the entire series. Even though I know - somewhat fuzzily - how the stories go, they still draw me in so easily, and I'm utterly hooked all over again. I stayed up late the past two nights finishing Queste and Syren consecutively, and I'm almost done with Darke, and I've never felt so comforted by a book series.
There's something about the Magyk world you've created that makes me feel like I'm back with old, familiar friends. Childhood friends. I think no matter how old I get, I'll always be able to re-read the series and take warmth from the familiarity. My point is, thank you for writing Septimus Heap into existence. Every word from the books is like a warm hug, and I truly believe that without it right now I'd be going insane.
Lana: I am 72, read a lot of ya books and I just want you to know that I am reading this series for the 2nd time. I love all of the characters, my favorite being Jenna. Such a strong young, sensitive young girl. What a fine queen she will make. I am enjoying this story so much more this time. First time around I was reading fast, soaking it in. Now, I think was about the characters. Great story.
Athena: Recently I've been having quite a hard time and thought I would re-read the books i do have. Through re-reading the series I haven't been so happy in a long time, the world you have created in so incredibly beautiful. It truly makes me heart happy to be able to escape into this amazing world of adventure and love and kindness. I write to you today, to share just how much I appreciate your writing and the stories you have created. It truly has made my day a lot more brighter. So I thank you for helping me when I was a lost young girl and now at an adult age going through a tough time. I look forward to reading the rest and exploring the world of Septimus Heap!
Lauren: I first read the Septimus Heap series when I was about eight or nine. I remember that I was on a really long road trip from my home city of Auckland, to Wellington. It’s about an eight to ten hour drive and I listened to the audiobooks with my brother on the way. In between fighting over the better pair of headphones and who got to sit where, a story like nothing I had ever heard before unfolded around me. When we eventually got there I wanted to turn right around and go back home so I could find out what happened next.
One of your characters in particular has, I believe, helped to shape who I am today. That character is Marcia. Indeed, she remains the only character I have ever cried over simply because there were no more books to read. She seems so incredibly real, and I actually sometimes find myself doing or reading something and thinking huh I should tell Marcia about this and then having to remind myself that she doesn’t actually exist. I re-read the books about a month ago and rediscovered my love for her, although over the intervening years I have occasionally had her pop into my head and I’d be like oh hey, haven't seen you in a while. To be honest, I still have a bit of a crush on her. In short, she's so incredibly human in a way I don’t think I’ve ever seen in another fictional character, particularly a female one.
Nora: I just wanted to send you a message to tell you how incredible fond I am of the Septimus Heap series (I’m considering the TodHunter books in this series too). I’ve read them since I was a child, and now i’m 24 years old and I still really enjoy your books. They bring me so much happiness and joy. I really adore your characters and the way you write, adding humour and “lightness” into your story. I’ve just gotten around to read the TodHunter series, and I’ll just have to say; thank you. Because I can’t describe how happy this makes me. I’ve been having a really tough time lately, with a lot of illness and other problems in my life. And then reading this story has really helped.
Sophia: I wanted to thank you for writing the Septimus Heap books. I read them during middle school, and they hold an extremely special place in my heart. I was immensely lonely at the time, and I found solace in books. The characters and world you created connected with me like no other had ever done. It was such a joy to experience the story you wrote. I am a transgender woman, and while finding this website I learned you are supportive of transgender people. This was nice to learn especially in the current political climate. Growing up I was always afraid of how the world would react to my transness. Lots of people in the world hate me for just being me. So learning the author of my favorite books as a kid is supportive is nice. Its like returning to an old childhood home and finding the door is still open for you to find solace.
And a message from Angie: I’d just like to say a huge thank you to all of you who have written me such heartwarming and uplifting messages. It is difficult to put into words how much they mean to me. And I know that sometimes, when I am a little fraught with writing or just general overwhelming life stuff, I don’t always answer as quickly as I would like to. But your messages are always with me. Thank you so much.